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Create an Artist

To represent music creatives the class mm:MusicArtist generalises over musicians (mm:Musician), ensembles (mm:MusicEnsemble), and computational methods (mm:MusicAlgorithm), as illustrated in the diagram below. Musicians are seen as a specialisation of persons who can optionally be associated to a medium of performance (e.g. voice, guitar), and be part of a music ensemble (e.g. MusicGroup, Orchestra, Choir). Depending on the data available, the latter can be expressed either through a membership relationship (core:isMemberOf), a specialisation of the former, such as mm:isSingerOf, or through a mm:MusicEnsembleMembership when the period of participation of the musician is available.

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All music artists can be associated to (one or more) mm:MusicGenre(s), express influences or collaborations, and share a period of activity. Here, the start date refers to the foundation for music ensembles, whereas the end date is used for discontinued projects for algorithms.