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Documentary evidence benchmark

This project provides the benchmark for the extraction of documentary evidence, taking the Listening Experience Database (LED) as a reference.

Below is information on the tasks, data, and the process that generated them from the LED database, also included (led-SNAPSHOT.nt.tar.gz).



Benchmark data

These are the data that can be used for benchamrking knowledge extraction processes

  • sources.csv (columns: source,file,title,author,author_name,time)
  • experiences.csv (columns: file,exp,excerpt,text,time,place,listening_to,environment,listener,listener_label,type,instrument,genre)
  • child.csv includes the list of listening experiences that were marked by domain experts to be relevant to childhood


We briefly describe each task and refer to the relevant data.

Task 1: retrieve documentary evidence relevant to musical experiences

This task refers to automatically identify text fragments that contain an account of listening experience, from a selection of texts (in corpus/).

Input: sources.csv (source,file,title,author,author_name,time both the textual content in corpus/ and the related metadata can be used)

Target: for each file, find paragraphs that match (or overlap) with the ones in experience (text) (the other columns except file should be ignored and not used by the approach)

Task 2: retrieve documentary evidence relevant to childhood

This task is equivalent to Task 1, except that the output should match the list of experiences in child.csv

Task 3: populate documentary evidence entities metadata

This task operates on the expected output from the previous ones. Given a list of texts and related excerpts, populate the metadata describing the listening experience.

Input: sources.csv (all columns), experiences.csv (file,exp,excerpt,text)

Target: automatically derive columns in experiences.csv: place,listening_to,environment,listener,listener_label,type,instrument,genre

Task 4: time-indexing of documentary evidence

This task operates on the expected output from the previous ones. Given a list of texts and related excerpts, populate the metadata describing the listening experience.

Input: sources.csv (all columns), experiences.csv (file,exp,excerpt,text)

Target: automatically derive columns in experiences.csv: time

Benchmark construction process

The data was generated using SPARQL Anything, the folling fx command shall be interpreted as java -jar sparql-anything-0.7.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.

Generate list of sources from exemplary LED entities (uncompress the led-SNAPSHOT.nt.tar.gz archive before executing the following).

fx -q queries/sources.sparql -l led-SNAPSHOT.nt -o data/sources.csv -f CSV
fx -q queries/experiences.sparql -l led-SNAPSHOT.nt -o data/sources.csv -f CSV
fx -q queries/child.sparql -l led-SNAPSHOT.nt -o data/child.csv -f CSV


title count
sources 25
places 277
genres 100
listeners 194
instruments 64
experiences relevant to childhood 40
experiences 1248
performances/pieces 1121