#2 Musical Heritage Knowledge Graphs
WP2 develops ontology-based knowledge graphs for representing music collections (symbolic notation/scores, code-based musical assets, annotated audio/transcriptions, metadata) and the its historical, cultural, and social context. It is also in charge of supporting the formalisation of patterns analysed in WP3 and text relations extracted in WP4. It relies on Web standards for data and knowledge representation (RDF, OWL).
Related components:
- Repository
- Ontology
- Bells Ontology
- CoMeta Ontology
- Music Instrument Ontology
- Tonalities Annotation Models
- Tonalities Theoretical Models
- Music Meta
- Polifonia Ontology Network (PON)
- Source ontology
- Tunes Ontology
- Documentation
- Broadcast Concerts blog
- Broadcast Concerts Data Story
- Outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia Work Package 2
- Ontology and knowledge graph development and documentation guidelines
- SPARQLEndpoint
- KnowledgeGraph
- Broadcast Concerts Knowledge Graph
- Licences Knowlegde Graph
- ORGANS Knowledge Graph
- ChoCo Knowledge Graph
- Harmory: the Harmonic Memory
- SoftwareLibrary
- CLITool
- DockerImageContainer
- Project
- Software
- Script
- Story
- Organ Trends
- Organ Builders
- Hearing Music
- Sources Cross-Analysis
- Music Historian
- Organ Knowledge
- Organize my digital library
- Find similar scores
- Dynamic exploration
- Librarian
- Restoration and Sound Practices
- Music Knowledge
- Folk Music
- Musical Social Network
- Organ Comparison
- Resource Reliability
- Words and Music
- Conflicting theoretical interpretations
- Create a relevant corpus
- Conflicting analytical annotations
- Exploration mode
- Shuffle mode
- Reorchestration
- DiscourseAnalysis
- Terminology
- European Folk Music
- Persona
- Dataset