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Find similar scores




People interested in finding scores ask for some very specific criterias, such as for instance

  • “I would like the list of Toccatas for organ in D composed at Rome during the 17th century”
  • “I would like an easy piece for violin and guitar, less than 3 mns long”
  • “I am searching for all the trios written by W.A. Mozart”

The resulting list is empty, or contains very few scores. The visitors are disapointed, and do not know how to find sth that suits their need.


Jorge then uses a tool to propose similar work, close to the initial search. It might be (referring to the above list of examples)

  • the list of toccatas in Italy, or italian organ works in general, or toccatas written for the harpsichord, in a different key signature, or comparable pieces written in other countries, etc.
  • a piece written for oboe and guitar, or any other monodic instrument, suitable for transposing as a violin part
  • trios written by J. Haydn or composers from the same style/period

Jorge can propose these similar scores to his visitors.

Competency questions

CQ1: Can I use similarity criterias based on metadata and features of musical works ?

CQ2: Am I proposed the most relevant criterias, or combination of criterias, to expand an initial search ?


Jorge’s work could be helped by tools that expand a search, relaxing criterias in a controlled way. Such a dashboard presents an overview of the classifying dimensions. Some of them might be hierarchical in nature (for instance the region/country/city classification). Whenever a dimension is chosen, the dashboard adapts to this new context by refining the classification of scores based on sub-dimensions.