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Python module for melody analysis based on pitch context vectors.


  • lilypond installed and in command line path.
  • convert (ImageMagick) installed and in command line path.
  • kernfiles and corresponding .json files with melodic features.

The .json files need to be formatted according to the standard of MTCFeatures.


The latest release of the pitchcontext module can be installed from pypi:

$ pip install pitchcontext

The development version can be installed by cloning the repository and by using the provided pyproject.toml and poetry. In root of the rep do:

$ poetry install

This creates a virtual environment with pitchcontext installed.


Requires a Python3 environment with both pitchcontext and streamlit installed. Four examples are provided:

  • apps/
  • apps/
  • apps/
  • apps/

To run:

$ streamlit run -- -krnpath <path_to_kern_files> -jsonpath <path_to_json_files>

The – is needed to pass the following arguments to the python script.