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Classification and curation of Listening Experiences (Demo)


This small study, undertaken as part of the wider CHILD pilot, focuses on harnessing LLM technology to classify existing text extracts within LED, a task traditionally performed by human domain experts, to address the challenges posed by the volume of textual data in fields such as music history. Our experiment evaluates the effectiveness of an LLM in categorizing text extracts under the specific theme of childhood, comparing its performance with that of a human domain expert. The comparison aims to quantify the alignment between machine and human interpretations in textual analysis, look at areas where LLM technology may show weaknesses and also investigate if there areas where LLMs are able to shed new light on data that may go unnoticed by humans.

The software included here was developed with the aim of supporting the identification of implicit themes in text and takes as reference the documentary evidence benchmark.

Interactions with the ChatGPT API (or other LLM) is currently handled in the file. Interactions with the LED knowledge graph are handled in In order to run any of the scripts in this distribution, a copy of must be made, called, in which a valid OpenAI API key should be specified.

A summary of the experiements performed is provided in ‘output/CHILD_text_classification_with_LLM.pdf’

Results and analysis are provided in ‘output/ChatGPT-CHILD-Analysis.xlsx’